Jacki Carr on redefining balance (and making room for failure) - Summer Series

Hello, and welcome to our 2020 Summer Series!
Every Thursday in January we’ll be revisiting some of our favourite podcast episodes while we walk the slow living walk over the summer break. Also it turns out podcasts, just like fine wine, really do get better with age, so whether you missed them the first time around, or are having another listen, we hope you enjoy these poggies as much as we did!
"My definition of balance has failure in it."
Jacki Carr
In this week's episode I sit down with goals coach, co-founder of Rock Your Bliss and incredible public speaker/human, Jacki Carr.
As you might remember, I did some heart/head work with Jacki before embarking on the Slow book tour in 2018 and I loved experiencing the joy with which she helps people uncover their values. The work Jacki and I did had an enormous impact on my time on the road, both in terms of how confident I felt living so far out of my comfort zone for months at a time, as well as how I was able to share my story and worldview with hundreds of people.
So, given the fact that we can't seem to escape the ever-present 'New Year, New Me' vibes of this time of year, and that I knew Jacki would have some things to say about goals, resolutions and making shift happen in our lives, I thought there'd be no better way to kick off our new episodes for 2019.
In this conversation Jacki and I focus on:
- resolutions and creating change
- defining and committing to goals
- uncovering our personal values
- what balance actually looks like
- developing a community of like-minded people
- how to use social media as a tool for connection rather than a crutch
Questions featured in this episode:
- How do you help people define their values?
- How do you encourage people to keep re-centering on their values even when life keeps getting in the way?
- Have you intentionally developed a crew of people in your corner to support you in living with your values?
- What are your thoughts on balance?
- Do you look for ease in situations, or always look for expansion?
- When did developing in-person communities become important to you?
- Do you have any tools you use to help social media be a way to connect rather than a crutch?
Head over to iTunes to subscribe to the show and play the episode.
Or you can listen to the show directly, simply by hitting the Play button above. Enjoy!
Things to Check Out After Today’s Episode:
- Jacki’s website
- Rock Your Bliss
- Jacki on Instagram
- Jacki on Facebook
- Books referenced in this episode:
- True North by Martha Beck
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
- Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies quiz
- Homework: Write your past self a thank you note!
As always, thank you for listening!